By Susan Friedmann
Are you a baby boomer who??s fallen prey to tantalizing internet marketing business opportunities? Have you been enticed by incredible income possibility ads? It??s easy to do. Alluring and seductive messages are rampant on almost every web page you land on. Being influenced by persuasive messages of wealth and freedom, is easily done.
Regardless, get ?click happy? and make reckless decisions is likely to have you be victim to some expensive mistakes. The problem is that weeding out the ?good? from the ?not so good? new business opportunities, often poses a problem.
Research shows that approximately ninety percent of baby boomers and others bomb at a new business venture within the first few months. This happens for one simple reason, and that??s because emotional thinking momentarily takes over from any rational thinking. What this means that making a hasty action without consideration of what??s really needed to create a profitable business.
The captivating ad copy or now, more likely, the highly persuasive video, paints a picture that conveys almost effortless work is needed to turn on the money-flowing tap.
Believe me when I tell you, it??s a load of baloney! It takes time, energy and planning to make any work from home business opportunity successful. I very much subscribe to the philosophy of ?working smarter not harder,? which means a solid plan of action is essential. This is a business, and needs to be treated as such.
There are certainly an abundance of highly legitimate internet marketing business opportunities, with extremely successful, solid leadership, who offer the opportunities to create a money-making, profitable home-based business.
The problem lies in distinguishing the genuine from the fraudulent, better known as scams. Herein lies the pitfall for many baby boomers who easily, and often unknowingly, make mistakes when hunting for an ideal online home-based business opportunity. Let??s look at the three most common ones:
1. Being too quick to click
Being drawn into tempting moneymaking opportunities is as quick as a click. But, making hasty decisions can mean headaches, and frustrations you certainly don?t want. When you look for a work from home online business opportunity, take your time.
Know what you enjoy doing, and look for something that??s a good fit. Make sure that you thoroughly research any home business. The internet is overflowing with information. Read what others have to say about the company you?re considering.
Gut feelings have their place, but basing them on some solid facts, will help you make a wise decision. Take into consideration, the moans and groans of the dissatisfied. There are always going to be some. It??s when you find pages of complaints that you need to look into another, more desirable work from home business opportunity. Simply put, avoid making any impulsive decisions.
2. Being starry-eyed
However, ideal a new home-based business opportunity, stay focused on the reality of what??s possible in your life. Consider you other commitments - time with grandchildren, an elderly parent, and more.
Assess what time you really have available for this business. Are there certain hours in the day to set aside to concentrate on this new venture? Be realistic. Know that, especially in the beginning, you?ll need more time to get the business rolling. Being well organized, and efficient with your time-management allows you to be more efficient, effective, and ultimately, more profitable. Simply put, avoid over-committing, and being unrealistic with your time.
3. Being naive
Whichever internet marketing business opportunity you decide on, realize that there??s always an investment you have to make. Every company is different, some ask for a small amount to get started, while others carry a much higher price tag, or offer the opportunity to buy in at different investment levels.
Know at the onset what financial commitment is necessary. In addition, check out what other monies you?ll need to operate the business. Find out if there are other services you?ll need, special software, or marketing that needs extra budgeting. Chances are you?ll need more than you think. Be prepared, and know what it takes to get onto the path of success. Simply put, don?t be naive, and think that your one-time investment is all that??s needed.
Once you?ve decided on a new, and exciting work from home business opportunity, remember to do the research, and thoroughly understand what time and money commitments are needed to get your new venture as an internet marketer up and running, profitably.
About The Author
Learn how to start and master a successful home-based internet marketing business. Join Susan Friedmann, and her team of online marketing professionals who will teach you how to eliminate the learning curve to become a master online marketer. Visit for more information.
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